Benefits of Cassava , Keep Up Bone Health Heart

Benefits of
Cassava , Keep Up Bone Health Heart

Reporting from Nutrition and You , cassava has doubled the number of calories than potatoes . So no one if cassava became a staple as a source of carbohydrate . In 100 grams of cassava , contains 160 calories , consisting mostly of sucrose .

> Cassava lower in fat than cereals and legumes . However, cassava has a high protein content compared to cassava , potatoes and bananas .

> Cassava is rich in vitamin K, which has a role in building bone mass . So that cassava consumption may decrease the risk of osteoporosis .

> In addition , vitamin C will protect and play an important role in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain .

> The tasty tubers are a source of vitamin B complex group of vitamins like folates and , thiamin , pyridoxine ( vitamin B - 6 ) , riboflavin , and pantothenic acid . Riboflavin plays a role in the growth of the body and produce red blood cells to prevent anemia .

> Cassava is an important source of minerals that the body bag , including zinc , magnesium , copper , iron , and manganese . In addition , cassava has a sufficient amount of potassium as an essential component of the cell forming the body and regulate blood pressure .

> A study shows benefits as reported Affleap cassava as lowering levels of bad cholesterol in the blood . Not only that , cassava can also lower triglyceride levels and be a good source of fiber .
No wonder the cassava can lower the risk of heart disease , stroke , colon cancer and help control diabetes . With notes , cassava processed by steamed or boiled .

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