Have Experiencing squeezing While Sleeping? (It feels like to be disturbed or Devil Jin)

Have Experiencing squeezing While Sleeping? (It feels like to be disturbed or Devil Jin)

ghost slipe
Indonesian people who have the condition as a supposition that squeezing occurs caused spirits to rest our bodies . The assumption that there is because people who are often seen squeezing silhouette .

In the eyes of health , circumstances when people will sleep or wake up later feeling like a strangled breathlessness , chest tightness , difficulty moving and hard body called sleep paralysis aka screaming sleep paralysis ( because the body can not move and seemed paralyzed ) . Almost everyone has experienced it . At least once or twice in his life . Squeezing can occur in men or women .

And , the average age of the first time this sleep disorder is 14-17 years . Sleep paralysis takes place in a matter of seconds , to minutes . Interestingly , when overlap occurs , we often experience hallucinations , such as seeing a black shadow figure or around the bed . Not surprisingly , this

phenomenon is also often associated with the occult .

In the Western world , a phenomenon often referred squeezing nightmare Inkubus or old hag by shadow form that appears . In Chinese culture , called gui ya shen aka ghost disorders that suppress a person's body . In Mexican culture , known as el muerto subio me and is believed to be the event that the spirits of the dead attached to a person .

In the culture of Cambodia , Laos and Thailand , called pee umm , referring to the incident where someone slept and dreamed spirits hold or detain that person's body to stay in their nature .

In Turkish culture , called karabasan , believed to be a creature that attacks people when sleeping , pressing the man 's chest and took his breath . Yes , almost every country has its own term to refer to squeezing , and all countries in the hemisphere due to the act of squeezing almost believe spirits .

Sleeping malfunctions According to Al Cheyne , researchers from the University of Waterloo , Canada , hallucinatory sleep paralysis is due to a malfunction in the sleeping stage of rapid eye movement ( REM ) . As knowledge , based on brain waves , sleep is divided into 4 stages . Stages it is the lightest stage of sleep ( we are still semi-conscious ) , a deeper stage of sleep , the deepest sleep , and REM stage ( at this stage that dreams occur ) .

When the condition of the body is too tired or lack of sleep , brain waves are not supposed to follow the stages of sleep . So , from the waking state ( when going to bed ) to the lightest stage of sleep , then immediately jump into a dream ( REM ) . When the brain is suddenly awakened from REM stage , but the body was not up yet , this is where sleep paralysis occurs . We feel very conscious , but the body can not move . Plus the hallucinations appeared another figure which is actually a characteristic of the dream .

Although uncommon , this sleep disorder should be wary . Because , sleep paralysis can also be a sign of narcolepsy ( sudden sleep attacks without signs of sleepiness ) , sleep apnea ( snoring ) , anxiety , or depression .

If you are experiencing this sleep disorder , you should make note of the sleep patterns for a couple of weeks . It will help you figure out the cause . Then , overcome by avoiding triggers . When the squeezing caused too tired , try to rest more . Lack of sleep also should not be underestimated . If it is cause sleep paralysis , the condition means it's heavy . Immediate need for self-evaluation and inadequate sleep . Try to sleep 8-10 hours at the same hour every night . Because , sleep paralysis can also be a sign of narcolepsy ( sudden sleep attacks without signs of sleepiness ) , sleep apnea ( snoring ) , anxiety , or depression . If we often experience a squeezing , you should make note of the sleep patterns for a couple of weeks .

This will help us determine the cause . Then , overcome by avoiding triggers . Lack of sleep also should not be underestimated . If it is cause sleep paralysis , the condition means it's heavy . Immediate need for self-evaluation and inadequate sleep . Try to sleep 8-10 hours at the same hour every night .

Squeezing generally occurs in people who sleep in the supine position ( face up and almost in a state of deep or almost awake from sleep ) . That is why , we need to frequently change position to sleep to reduce the risk of this sleep disorder .

If squeezing accompanied by other symptoms , it's good to see a doctor or sleep lab sleep experts for further review . Usually the doctor will ask when squeezing starts and how long it has lasted . Note that we have made will help when it went to the doctor .

Other disorders sleep paralysis addition , there are other sleep disorders . Namely , insomnia is a sleep disorder experienced by patients with symptoms always tired and exhausted all day and continuously ( more than ten days ) having trouble sleeping or awakening in the middle of the night and can not go back to sleep . Often the patient woke up earlier than wanted and could not get back to sleep .

There are three types of insomnia disorder , namely : insomnia (sleep onset insomnia ) , always waking up in the middle of the night (sleep maintenance insomnia ) , and always wake up much more quickly than desired (early awakening insomnia ) . Quite a lot of people who experience one of three types of sleep disorders .

In a study reported that in the United States about 15 percent of the total population experiencing insomnia disorders are quite serious . This sleep disorder is a disorder that is not serious if you are experiencing less than ten days . To overcome these problems we can use relaxation techniques and subconscious programming .

The opposite of insomnia is hypersomnia . Often the patient is considered to have a mental disorder or lazy . The patients with hypersomnia sleep takes very much of a normal size . Although people with sleep exceeds the normal size , but they always feel tired and lethargic all day .
There is also a parasomnia disorder , which is half-asleep , half- awake , sleep disturbance is usually a phenomenon that is not common and unwanted seemed suddenly during sleep , or that occurs on the threshold between waking and sleep . Most often appears in the form of nightmares characterized by long and frightening dreams . Usually , people sat up in bed with a look of fear , scream out loud like he was experiencing terror .

There are also called , narcolepsy , sleep disorder caused by psychological disorders and can only be cured through medical assistance from a physician of the soul. This disease is different from the insomnia that occurs continuously .

It is precisely this narcolepsy sufferers sudden attack at an inopportune time , as was chairing a meeting - usually an attack on the tense emotional state such as anger, fear or love. Narcolepsy attacks can cripple a person within a few minutes when he was still conscious and suddenly took him to dreamland .

There are also apnea , which is one of the sleep disorders are serious enough . More than 5 million Americans have this disorder . Risk factor for this disorder include: excess weight ( overweight ) , middle age , especially in women , or the elderly (seniors ) who had experienced drug dependence . Apnea is a disease called Ito also fall asleep at the wheeli because often experienced when a patient is driving a car .

Apnea occurs because of fluctuations or irregular rhythm of the heart rate and blood pressure . When attacked , the patient immediately felt drowsy and fell asleep . Apnea sufferers have difficulty breathing even stop breathing during sleep when attacked by this disorder . Fluctuations in heart rate and high blood pressure can cause instant death in patients .

Other sleep disorders , such as talking or walking in a state of sleep , or gnashing of teeth is a sleep disorder that is not harmful . However dangerous sleepwalking encounter hazardous objects ( sharp objects , fire , stone ) or fall .

Talking in sleep disorders will only disturb her roommate . While bullying can damage tooth enamel . Dental disease bluff is called bruxism .

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