7 Foods For Effective Against Acne
Acne is the most common problem for everyone , in addition to the treatment of acne also need care outside of the acne especially if you include a very membadel , it's been months with any treatment of acne too difficult really lost , if it happens you try to see patterns you eat , if often eat out , eat fast food , sweet chocolate , ice cream or fried foods that contain lots of oil . Immediately reduce unhealthy eating and try deh multiply servings of fruits , vegetables and some of the following foods :
1 . green tea
Green tea is rich in anti - inflammatory , called catechins . Catechins help reduce the effects of free radicals in the body , such as pollution , sunlight , cigarette smoke , and air conditioning . Moreover, it can overcome the problem of acne and signs of aging , such as wrinkles and facial blemishes .
2 . Olive Oil
Olive oil contains essential fatty acids needed skin . Abortion could nourish the skin and address the problem of acne . In order to be healthy you can eat olive oil with vegetables .
3 . cucumber
Vegetables with high water content such as cucumbers dipecaya good for acne prone skin . The water is efficacious yan remove toxins clog pores . Plus, the cucumber has soothing astringent effect . So effective to relieve irritation and redness of acne . It is recommended to consume one cucumber every day .
4 . Low-Fat Dairy Products
One of the most important components of skin health is vitamin A. The best way to get it is by consuming low-fat dairy products . In fact , experts say that the health of our skin cells depend on vitamin A. Healthy skin means skin with acne free .
5 . yoghurt
Yoghurt is able to prevent the bad bacteria that cause acne develops in the body . Eat one or two servings of yogurt a day . You can menyampurnya with bananas , strawberries or orange pieces .
6 . oyster
These foods are usually better known as a sex enhancer . But no one else uses, namely exterminator acne because its content of zinc . Zinc helps the absorption of vitamin A in the body and controls the hormones that cause acne . The oysters are best boiled for curing acne .
7 . White water
Surely you've heard the advice that told to drink eight glasses of water every day . Yes , water is very important for your health and skin . Water can throw all the toxins in the body , including the ' poison ' that causes acne . If you do not like drinks that do not have a taste , you can add lemon or mint leaves into your mineral water .
If all has been done , the face is often cleaned with care ingredients and natural mask has been done but the acne still has not healed it is time for you to consult a skin specialist doctor to determine the exact cause of your acne , because if there is no serious abnormalities generally acne will go away from us with the above treatment .
All natural materials both in the drink , made masks or in nature only apply it to help speed the healing process of acne by providing the nutrients needed by the skin . And needs to know acne as well as the flu , when it healed there must be a possibility to arise again only 1-2 at home face was still normal , if spotty until no longer even it means the system in the body / skin is not normal . So no need to worry with acne
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7 Foods For Effective Against Acne
By Unknown • 5:40 PM • 7 Foods For Effective Against Acne • Comments : 0
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