Gum disease can cure gastric disease

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Gum disease can cure
gastric disease
There is good news for you who like to chew gum and coincidence are often plagued by stomach ulcers . Researchers have recently demonstrated that chewing gum containing a little sugar after a meal can reduce the acidity in the stomach . Chewing gum stimulates saliva production . Well , because of the nature of the alkaline saliva , can neutralize acid .

" When you swallow saliva , it will neutralize the acid in the stomach , " said Dr. . David C. Metz , a professor of medicine Division of Gastroenterology University of Pennsylvania Health System in Philadelphia . " Sucking candy may also help reduce the symptoms of heartburn for the same reason " .

Increased saliva also increases gastric clearance , continued Dr . Bennett Roth , a professor and chief of gastroenterology clinic David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California , Los Angeles , told

" When you swallow saliva , at the same time the hull will be cleaned out of everything , including acids , " said Roth .

For people who occasionally attacked heartburn , chew gum after eating is a good trick to prevent heartburn disorders come and go , suggestions Roth .

However , people who experience frequent heartburn suggested looking for something more effective to relieve heartburn disorders , such as type of antacid ulcer drug .

A study that followed 12 people who suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD ) and 24 able-bodied volunteers found that the acidity levels after a meal is reduced , either by way of a walk and chew gum .

However, the researchers found , the people who walk after breakfast stomach acid levels decline only temporary . While in those who chewed gum after eating , stomach acid lowering effect more lasting , almost 3 hours .

Side effects are favorable for gum chewers are , at the same time they can protect the teeth , in addition to reducing the symptoms of heartburn .

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