Therapy upset with draw
Understanding Anger
that afternoon I was listening to complaints shinta, a permpuan 21 years, as an employee of the rental movie, she felt the day was not fun because the words of a customer who does not reassure her.
"Occupational risk as part of this service yes" she sighed. he continued his words "should not be angry at the customers, but if it continues long harbored a long angry I could die standing, what should I do?". The conversation continues with advice that I give in how to channel angry in a secure way.
angry is a form of the human emotion. then how do we understand these emotions, you can listen to the description below.
Occurrence Angry
Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence (1995) describes the most common triggers are angry feeling of danger or threatened. The threat is not only a direct physical threat, but as often happens, a symbolic threat of offensive self-esteem or dignity, for example, mistreated, brutalized, dicacimaki, belittled, frustrated after chasing the target is important.
In the case of the angry or anxious, hormones play a role in dalamnya.Menurut book Accelerated Learning Colin Rose and Malcolm JN, when you worry excessively, then the limbic system in your brain will react.
The limbic system is located in the central part of the brain, the limbic components include hippotalamus and amygdala. The limbic system controls emotional functioning, controlling hormones, maintain homeostasis, thirst, hunger, sexuality, pleasure centers, metabolism and long-term memory.
When in danger Hippothalamus releasing hormone CRF (corticotrophin releasing factor). CRF is then slid toward the pituitary at the bottom Hippothalamus, and provoke another hormone, ACTH (Adrenocorticotrophin Hormone).
ACTH is then entered into the blood stream, and then to the adrenal glands. There ACTH Cortisol releasing hormone that stimulates the sympathetic nerves secrete adrenaline. That's when you'll feel your heart pounding, sweating, trembling, up to pee.
Angry Type
some kind of angry presented by Mark Gorkin (2001) a stress and violence prevention consultant for the U.S. Postal Service,, the site angry divides into four macam.yaitu purposeful, spontaneity, constructive and destructive.
Told intentional purposeful when angry expression, with levels sufficient consideration or calculation; also with significant levels of self-control.
Said to be spontaneous, when the expression of anger suddenly done with little thought or planning; with high levels of self-control is a bit moderate.
Said to be constructive when angry expression and stated emphatically integrity and privacy of one's limits without objectively intending to threaten or violate the integrity and personal boundaries of others.
And when it is said to destructive expressions of anger poured out without the guilt and firmly maintain the privacy of one's identity and boundaries with the intent to threaten or otherwise violate the integrity and personal boundaries of others.
Dealing with Anger
way of dealing with angry people is different, between the stance taken by some people are upset that harbored for a while, there are some people thought to harbor angry angry can lock in order not to explode. actions that may help at any given moment, but Charlotte Sanborn, Ph.D., of Dartmouth College, believes if we bury upset to suppress it is not useful for the future. because it measures only postpone an angry expression. ultimately upset that we buried it will lead to diseases related to stess or outbursts of rage
Angry and health
"Gara gara upset your health may be impaired" it continues teringiang sentence in my head. after I read some articles about the health effects for health upset.
What might upset can influence health? of course.
Dr.. Elaine Eaker, lead researcher and president of Eaker Epidemiology Enterprises, said that the angry helps accelerate the formation of atrial fibrillation that affects the heart rate acceleration. Atrial fibrillation can lead to stroke because the two spaces in the heart pumps blood into keluar.Studi Eaker overwhelmed involving no less than 3,000 people of all ages in Framingham, Massachusetts-USA.
researcher Dr. Rosalind Wright of Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts, USA anger and hostility resulted in a decrease in lung function in adult males
Professor Edward Suarez of Duke University in North Caroline, in the journal Brain Behavior and Immunity are reviewed by Reuters Health March 30, 2007 edition. He said that the bad-tempered and depressed at risk of heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension is higher. However, if their behavior can be improved, then the risk for these diseases can be reduced
During the period of 20 years, Prof.. Suarez and his team conducted tests on 313 male Vietnam veterans. The study ended in 2002.
What about womanhood?
According to Prof. Sandra P. Thomas, professor of nursing science from the University of Tennessee in Norkfils, U.S., and author of the book Women and Anger, rage will be a problem for women when it often appeared angry and express that the explosive would be at risk for heart disease.
on the other hand it is also healthy angry, proved of. The results of the research Institute for Mental Health Initiatives revealed that angry can mean healthy. In fact, healthier than harbored feelings of annoyance.
distribution of positive emotions can be done for example by doing relaxation, exercise, confide in writing / talking / drawing, laughing, praying. positive thinking, or you choose to visit the central counseling / therapy to get guidance.
one of the alternative distribution is positively furious angry with drawing therapy. which combines a variety of methods to remove your pent-up anger in the past and instill values of patience.
imperative to heal "wounds angry" that live within us if we are not clear on the whole, Trash anger will carry on, until eventually rot in our hearts forever
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