Foods That Will Accelerate Aging
The food we eat affects the health of the body . One is leather . Apparently there are some foods that if consumed frequently can speed up the process of aging or wrinkled skin . Here are some foods that are categorized as the cause :
► Carbonated Drinks
These types of drinks have high sugar levels with low nutrients . The sugar content can lead to obesity which can increase the risk of hypertension , diabetes , and stroke . While the effects on the skin , the blood sugar levels are high , the process will damage the glycation of collagen in the body . flexible collagen will be broken , and turned hard , so that wrinkles appear on the skin .
► Coffee
Kandunagn caffeine found in coffee may increase stress hormones . This relates to the contribution of stress that will mepercepat premature aging . Stress hormone called cortisol rebound will make the muscles become fatigued , so make it fast shrinking .
► Processed Meat
One type of processed meat is classified as a cause of premature aging is sausage . The food was delicious and presented practical for this may trigger the risk of colorectal cancer . N - nitroso substances contained in it are carcinogenic . This substance is an additive nirit mixed with processed meat .
► chips and fries
Fried foods at high temperatures will lead to the formation of trans - fat fat . Consumption of these foods with an intensity that can often increase the risk of coronary heart disease .
► Red meat
Proteins in meat are very needed by the body . However, if too much animal protein can lead to reduced bone calcium levels . So can result in osteoporosis .
► White rice and white bread
This is not the type of carbohydrates complex carbohydrates rich in fiber . With a high glycemic index food is very quickly digested and absorbed into the blood circulation , so that sugar levels can be increased in a short time . This will make the cells change and age faster .
Thus it does not mean we should 100 % avoid these types of foods . But reduce consumption or replace these foods with healthier foods . Additionally multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruits that contain zinc , selenium , vitamin C , and beta carotene that will produce collagen in the body . Collagen function will keep the skin to remain supple and protects skin against free radicals . Expand also foods containing omega3 fatty acids and Alpha Linolenic Acid ( ALA ) is contained in some foods such as avocado , salmon , and olive oil .
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Foods That Will Accelerate Aging
By Unknown • 11:26 PM • Foods That Will Accelerate Aging • Comments : 0
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