Fart Sound and Vibration existence Body Could Be Health Problems

fsa🐾Fart Sound and Vibration existence Body Could Be Health Problems

Here are some sound body to express health conditions , among others, as follows :

1 . Growling voice in the belly

Stomach can remove noises usually a contraction of intestinal muscles and a normal part of digestion . Conditions that stress can increase the body's muscle contractions , which may explain why abdominal Sista Sista sound when being faced with a stressful situation .

Certain foods such as dairy products and high carbohydrate foods may also increase the noise factor on the stomach . Voice growling in the stomach can also occur when the cyst was menstruating , try taking a magnesium supplement before bed for several days before menstrual to reduce gas and constipation that often causes the intestinal muscle contractions .

If the stomach sounds really disturbing , Sista be overcome by avoiding stress through prayer with thuma'ninah , or ask your doctor about an antispasmodic drug , is sometimes prescribed to overcome intestinal problems associated with stress .

2 . belch

Belching occurs when Sista swallow excess air , either while eating or talking or even both , eating , talking . But burping can also indicate gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD ) , a common condition that often develops due to overeating or pressure on the stomach , and more than 50 percent of pregnant women experience it .

Belching or bergemericik sound in the throat can also be triggered by stomach acid seeps into the esophagus which can also cause heartburn , chest pain , sore throat , hoarseness , bad breath and in more serious cases such as food or acid regurgitation .

All you need to do is avoid Sista talk when your mouth is full of food . To reduce belching , Sista can also limit soft drinks and chewing gum . To avoid GERD , do not overeat and avoid foods that aggravate symptoms such as caffeinated beverages , garlic , and shallots .

3 . nasal snorting

Snort the nose usually occurs when the nasal airflow obstructed by mucus cyst . All you need to do is Sista excessive mucus that usually occurs because of a cold or seasonal allergies usual rinse with salt water ( saline ) .

Some brands of salt rinse is available at drugstores , or mix the salt rinse own by mixing half a glass of warm water and a quarter teaspoon of salt . Pour half of the salt water rinse into one nostril and let it flow out of the opposite nostril , then repeat on the other side .

Perksalah to the doctor if the grunting sound accompanied by bleeding or if congestion gets worse after five days and lasted more than 10 days , or is accompanied by headache or facial pain . This may occur due to a sinus infection , is usually treated with antibiotics .

4 . flue gas

When abdominal bloating , the body will release excess gas in the stomach by burping or passing gas . Normally , a person can pass gas 20 times a day . Certain foods can also trigger a waste gas , such as beans , sugar substitutes such as xylitol and sorbitol , potato chips , fructose and lactose milk .

Milk can also cause smelly fart , as well as sulfur -containing foods such as broccoli and cabbage . Cyst may be frequent flatulence when diarrhea or constipation . Sista should do is to eat slowly , reducing nut , processed foods and sodas .

Get medical attention if Sista waste gas is accompanied by abdominal pain , bloating , and diarrhea or constipation . This may indicate irritable bowel syndrome , inflammatory bowel or food allergies .

5 . snore

Snoring is a sleep disorder in which the muscles and tissues in the throat become too relaxed and shook as Sista breathing until the snoring sound . This often occurs in people who have a cold or stuffy nose , but some people can snore with other health reasons .

Sleep disorders can also occur due to excess weight , so the cyst can cope with losing weight .

If suddenly awakened from sleep due to a choking sensation due to snoring , sleep apnea may have a cyst , which is a serious respiratory problems that may increase the risk of heart disease , high blood pressure , and stroke . See a doctor if you experience these symptoms

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